Fairway Exploration Consultants

a UK based independent geological and geophysical consultancy for the international petroleum industry, established in 1987 by a team of experienced oil industry executives with a broad range of oil and gas technical, operational and financial expertise and professional skills. 

Fairway Exploration has built up a global non-proprietary digital GIS database and library, which includes reports and datasets ranging from well completion to regional exploration reports, geochemical data and reports, seismic data, potential field data, oilfield and well databases. In addition Fairway offers a number of GIS projects aimed at assisting companies with more accurate play fairway and prospect mapping, reservoir modelling and risk evaluation, which can be delivered online for easy access.   

The library includes information on petroleum systems and play fairways for hydrocarbon basins in Africa, Asia and Australia, and is supported by datasets of geochemical, well information, sedimentological and stratigraphic information from regional studies. The datasets include information on oil and gas fields, wells, seeps and geochemical source and maturity data. Data resources include basin-wide coverage for hydrocarbon resources, structural elements, play fairways, paleogeography maps, regional stratigraphy.  

The Digital Library contains the following data types amongst many others: -

  • Seismic Data 
  • Seismic Interpretation 
  • Digital Well Logs 
  • Technical Reports  
  • Well Database 
  • Formation Tops Databases 
  • Field Data 
  • Field Structure maps  
  • Basement Depth maps 
  • Paleogeographic & Play maps 
  • Satellite Imagery 
  • Gravity & Aeromag, 
  • Digital Surface Geology
  • Digital Elevation models 
  • Stratigraphic Synopsis Charts
  • Isopach & Facies maps 
  • Stratigraphic & Structural Cross-sections

These large datasets can form the basis for exploration studies at global, regional, country and basin level, with maps linked to detailed text, cross-sections and seismic profiles. Together with our detailed regional exploration knowledge, gained from both proprietary and multi-client projects, these data provide the basis for fast, effective and high quality completion of exploration related projects, including prospect generation, regional basin and play mapping and risk analyses.

The GIS datasets are invaluable in providing a cost effective and innovative approach for new ventures exploration and appraisal from regional basin studies to individual prospects. Using the ArcGIS front-end, the user has instant access to powerful exploration and G&G data, which can be queried based on specific user-driven parameters.

This Multi-client exploration data library, available on a non-exclusive basis, supports the regional Fairway Hydrocarbon Potential Reports.