a UK based independent geological and geophysical consultancy for the international petroleum industry, established in 1987 by a team of experienced oil industry executives with a broad range of oil and gas technical, operational and financial expertise and professional skills.
Fairway Exploration produces non-exclusive Hydrocarbon Exploration Potential Reports for the international oil industry, which provide an extensive database and a comprehensive review of the exploration potential in various basins around the globe.
The reports contain a considerable amount of new information and interpretation. New play maps illustrate the distribution of the major source, reservoir and seal facies that make up the hydrocarbon systems in each basin and identify leads and generate prospects by integrated mapping of geological, geophysical, geochemical and petrophysical parameters. In addition, the authors provide an assessment as to the nature and level of technical, political and economic risks involved in oil industry operations in a given area.
Each report supplies a large exploration database of geological and geophysical maps and data, well data, logs, cross-sections, geochemical and other oil field information for future exploration use. Detailed stratigraphic analysis is presented to illustrate the distribution of source, reservoirs and seals by geologic age and geographical area, supported by explanatory figures, well correlation sections, key well presentations, paleogeography maps and well summaries.
To manage these data, GIS-Based exploration portfolio management processes and tools have been used to organize the database so that it is able to support the exploration workflow at any stage from basin analysis and initial play generation, through data acquisition and on to the identification of leads and their maturation into drillable prospects.
Using the GIS facility, play fairway maps are generated from these data to which exploration risk parameters have been applied to develop maps suitable for undertaking Risk Analysis. In each report, Common Risk Segment maps are produced for hydrocarbon fairways by integrating petroleum systems with regional structural mapping, paleogeography and stratigraphy, and identifying new plays and leads in areas of currently open acreage.
The GIS projects are fully loaded with standard datasets including: bathymetry, gravity, SRTM Elevation, satellite (Landsat) imagery, surface geology, well databases, up-to-date concession boundaries, field maps, production information and oilfields databases.
Installation, training, and data integration services are offered to enable clients to harness the full potential of these reports.
- Reports are constantly updated and available on a multi-client basis.
- Areas covered by the Hydrocarbon Exploration Potential Reports include: -
- West Africa: Hydrocarbon Potential of the Aptian Salt Basin
- Gabon, Congo, Namibia, Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, DCR and Angola.
- West African Tie Line Survey covering offshore Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Angola and Congo. (Speculative seismic surveys)
- North Africa: Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya
- East Africa: Tanzania, Madagascar
- Australia: Northwest Shelf
Southeast Asia: South China Sea. - West African Salt Basin Project(DOWNLOAD)
- Hydrocarbon Potential of Egypt(DOWNLOAD)
- Tanzania Petroleum Exploration Potential
- Hydrocarbon Potential of East Africa
- Hydrocarbon Potential of the
Northwest Shelf, Australia - Hydrocarbon Potential of the
South China Sea - Gulf of Guinea GIS Project
- Namibia GIS Project
- Hydrocarbon Potential of Tanzania(DOWNLOAD)
- Hydrocarbon Potential of Tanzania(DOWNLOAD)
- Hydrocarbon Potential of Tunisia(DOWNLOAD)
- Exploration Fabric of Africa